unit sfContnrs;
{$DEFINE MULTI_THREAD_QUEUE} //线程安全版本,如果不需要线程安全,请注释掉此行代码
TsfQueue=class private FCapacity:Integer; FTmpBuff:Pointer; FBuff:Pointer; FPosition:Integer; {$IFDEF MULTI_THREAD_QUEUE} FCS:TRTLCriticalSection; {$ENDIF} //\\ FPushIndex:Integer; FPopIndex:Integer;procedure Lock();
procedure UnLock(); procedure Inernal_SetCapacity(const Value:Integer); //\\ procedure setCapacity(const Value: Integer); function getCapacity: Integer; public constructor Create(InitCapacity: Integer=1024); destructor Destroy();override; //\\ function Push(AItem: Pointer): Pointer; function Pop(): Pointer; public property Capacity:Integer read getCapacity write setCapacity; end; implementation{ TsfQueue }
constructor TsfQueue.Create(InitCapacity:Integer);
begin {$IFDEF MULTI_THREAD_QUEUE} InitializeCriticalSection(FCS); {$ENDIF}if InitCapacity < 1024 then InitCapacity := 1024;
destructor TsfQueue.Destroy;
begin FreeMem(FBuff); if FTmpBuff <> nil then FreeMem(FTmpBuff); //\\ {$IFDEF MULTI_THREAD_QUEUE} DeleteCriticalSection(FCS); {$ENDIF}inherited;
end;procedure TsfQueue.Lock;
begin {$IFDEF MULTI_THREAD_QUEUE} EnterCriticalSection(FCS); {$ENDIF}end;procedure TsfQueue.UnLock;
begin {$IFDEF MULTI_THREAD_QUEUE} LeaveCriticalSection(FCS); {$ENDIF}end;procedure TsfQueue.Inernal_SetCapacity(const Value: Integer);
var PageCount,ASize:Integer;begin if Value > FCapacity then begin if FTmpBuff <> nil then FreeMem(FTmpBuff);//扩容
ASize := Value * 4;//计算出所需要的字节数量 Pagecount := ASize div 4096; if (ASize mod 4096) > 0 then Inc(PageCount);//转移数据
GetMem(FTmpBuff,PageCount * 4096); FillChar(FTmpBuff^,PageCount * 4096,#0);if FBuff <> nil then
begin Move(FBuff^,FTmpBuff^,FCapacity * 4); FreeMem(FBuff); end;FBuff := FTmpBuff;
FCapacity := (PageCount * 4096) div 4;if FCapacity >= 2048 then
begin //FTmpBuff 分配用于Pop时候,移动内存用 GetMem(FTmpBuff,PageCount * 4096); end else FTmpBuff := nil; end;end;function TsfQueue.Pop: Pointer;
procedure AdjuestMem(); var pSrc:PInteger; pTmp:Pointer; begin FillChar(FTmpBuff^,FCapacity * 4,#0); pSrc := PInteger(FBuff); Inc(pSrc,FPopIndex); Move(pSrc^,FTmpBuff^,(FCapacity - FPopIndex) * 4); //\\ //交换指针 pTmp := FBuff; FBuff := FTmpBuff; FTmpBuff := pTmp; //\\ end;const
_MoveRange_ = 2048;var
P:PInteger;begin Lock(); try Result := nil; if (FPopIndex = FPushIndex) then Exit; P := PInteger(FBuff); Inc(P,FPopIndex); Result := Pointer(P^); Inc(FPopIndex); //队列底部空余内存达到 8192 整体搬迁 if FPopIndex = _MoveRange_ then begin AdjuestMem(); FPopIndex := 0; Dec(FPushIndex,_MoveRange_); end; finally UnLock(); end;end;function TsfQueue.Push(AItem: Pointer): Pointer;
var P:PInteger;begin Lock(); try P := PInteger(FBuff); Inc(P,FPushIndex); P^ := Integer(AItem); Inc(FPushIndex); if FPushIndex >= FCapacity then begin //扩容加 1024 个位置 Inernal_SetCapacity(FCapacity + 1024); end; finally UnLock(); end;end;procedure TsfQueue.setCapacity(const Value: Integer);
begin Lock(); try Inernal_SetCapacity(Value); finally UnLock(); end;end;function TsfQueue.getCapacity: Integer;
begin Lock(); try Result := Self.FCapacity; finally UnLock(); end;end;end.
procedure TfrmMain.btnQueueClick(Sender: TObject);
var A:TsfQueue; //优化后的高速队类实现(线程安全) B:TQueue; Index:Integer;begin A := TsfQueue.Create(); B := TQueue.Create(); SW.Start(); for Index := 1 to 10000 * 2 do begin b.Push(0); end; for Index := 1 to 10000 * 2 do begin b.Pop(); end;SW.Stop();